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Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club

Welcome to the home of the Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club.
We are a family club with a strong community culture and respectful values.

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Code of Conduct

Sunbury Lions Football and Netball Club expects everyone who holds a position of responsibility within our club will take the implementation of the following code of conduct extremely seriously. Sunbury Lions Football and Netball Club will not tolerate behaviour from any official, coach, player or supporter which marginalises or negatively impacts upon another member or supporter of the club.

Sunbury Lions Football and Netball Club holds the expectation that Officials, Coaches, Players and Supports acknowledge and agree to the following Code of Conduct outlined below;

  1. Encourage players to participate if they are interested. However, if a player is not willing, do not force them.
  2. Focus upon the teams efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the event. This assists the players in setting realistic goals related to their ability by reducing the emphasis on winning. 
  3. Teach your players that honest effort is as important as victory so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment. 
  4. Encourage members to always play by the rules. 
  5. Never ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake or losing a competition. 
  6. Remember players should be involved in football or netball for their enjoyment, not yours.
  7. Remember players learn best by example. Applaud good play by both your team and by members of the opposing team.
  8. If you disagree with an official or umpire raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than questioning the official's judgment and honesty in public. Remember, most officials give their time and effort for your team member’s involvement. 
  9. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities. 
  10. Support all club officials in maintaining the highest standard of behaviour both on and off the field for the betterment of the league and your club. Offer your assistance to the team whenever possible so that every opportunity is being provided for the very best supervision and support. Your involvement will give both yourself and club far more satisfaction. 
  11. Avoid use of derogatory language based on gender or race. 
  12. Have a Working With Children Check carried out and record your card number and expiry date with the club.
  13. Agree to abide by the relevant league’s cyberbullying Respect and Responsibility Policies as well as all other policies specified by the league competing in.

Players Code of Behaviour

The Sunbury Lions Football and Netball Club does not tolerate any behaviour deemed to be disrespectful, dangerous or negligent by players within the club. The club holds expectations that players will ensure that the wellbeing of themselves and fellow players is maintained at all times, including on social media and outside of the playing environment.  

Sunbury Football Netball Club holds the expectation that players acknowledge and agree to the following behavioural guidelines set out below;

  1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow players, coaches, officials, sponsors and spectators at all times.
  2. Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as sexual or other harassment and behaviour deemed of a bullying nature.
  3. Respect the role of all members working within the club.
  4. Wear, care and respect the uniform and equipment provided to you.
  5. Players must be frank and honest with their coach concerning illness and injury and their ability to train and play fully.
  6. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner relating to language, temper, punctuality and communication, both verbal and written.
  7. Maintain a high standard of personal behaviour at all times.
  8. Abide by the rules and respect the decision of the umpires, officials and club committee. Be courteous and use the correct process when seeking information or a change to a current system or rules.
  9. Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training, games, clinics and meetings. Work equally hard for yourself and the club.
  10. Cooperate with all members of the club in relation to programs that adequately prepare you for competition.
  11. Do not engage in practices that affect sporting performance whilst representing Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club (alcohol, tobacco and drug use).