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Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club

Welcome to the home of the Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club.
We are a family club with a strong community culture and respectful values.

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A Grade 2017 Premiership Trophy & Flag Unveiling

Lead by captains Ash Hardy and Tarryn Munro, our SLFNC A Grade Netballers maintained their premiership form with a round 1 win over Redan.

Prior to the match, Kelly Mackie-Wood was given the honour of unfurling the A Grade 2017 premiership flag. Kelly, along with her mum Pat Mackie are Life Members and represent two generations of Lions who have greatly contributed to our clubs success and proud reputation. 

Congratulations also to A Grade coach Adam Boldiston who guided his team to success last year. He returns this year again as A Grade coach and no doubt has his eyes set on another premiership flag!


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