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Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club

Welcome to the home of the Sunbury Lions Football Netball Club.
We are a family club with a strong community culture and respectful values.

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Club 18

The Sunbury Lions Club 18 team is a social team that won the inaugural AFL Goldfields premiership in 2017. Most games are on a Friday night, with the occasional Saturday morning game, and we train once a week for about half an hour on Thursday nights 6pm at Clarke Oval.

If you are after a kick and plenty of laughs please contact Allan O'Connor at secretary@sunburyfnc.com.au or just come down to training.

2017 Club 18 Grand Final

About The Flex

Good seasons, day place male evening life after together gathered let void she'd grass created days upon after above great. Creative, prolific and ever-ready to serve you.

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